December is the busiest time of the year for fabric suppliers as they anticipate orders for January when shops reopen for business. Many factories close over December period, but we know the supply and demand chain is so intense that we plan to keep our facilities and skills available for as long as we can.
Whether it’s an order from a bedding, linen, fashion or decor retail store or a personal order from one of our loyal or new customers, we aim to give them the best we have to offer. This is especially so over the festive season, when ideas come to people for gift giving. Some mothers use dress patterns to make garments for their children, while others redo their children’s bedrooms or spruce up the house with DIY projects or upholstery in existing furniture. Either way, it is a great time of the year to get things done and ordered in anticipation of the New Year.
We specialise in industrial technical fabrics, pure cotton canvas and tentage. Our custom developed fabrics can be viewed if you contact us, so we can show you our samples. This helps envision how the fabrics suppliers will work for you. Focusing on several arrangements of services such as weaving, warping commission twisting, our services target a variety of clients and customers who choose the right fit for their company.
So before we head off for the public holidays, get your orders sent, so we can start working on them and getting the sequence and routine in play.
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